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Ushers take the tickets, sell or hand out programmes and escort patrons to their seats in cinemas, theatres, sports stadiums and other places of public entertainment.

Ushers may refuse admission to persons who do not have tickets or who are improperly dressed; they may count and record the number of tickets collected and give pass-outs to patrons. They need to make sure that only people with the proper credentials are allowed to enter press boxes.

They may run errands for patrons such as fetching refreshments or helping them find lost items. They also direct people to telephones and restrooms. They also have to keep order and direct patrons to exits as quickly as possible in emergencies.

Due to the nature of the work, ushers are expected to walk a lot and sometimes to remain standing during a show.

Satisfying Aspects
- working with people
- working without much supervision
- being able to obtain a position without a lot of advanced education
- being able to see films and other shows

Demanding aspects
- being on your feet for long periods
- having to work evenings, weekends and some holidays
- dealing with difficult or rude members of the public

An usher should:
- get along well with all kinds of people;
- be tactful and courteous;
- have emotional stability;
- be neat and well-groomed;
- have a pleasant personality;
- be conversant with at least two of othe official languages;
- be reliable;
- be in good health and have stamina;
- have a well-modulated voice.

School Subjects
No special school qualifications are required but employers prefer at least a Grade 9 Certificate

Compulsory Subjects: Languages
Recommended Subjects: None

The usher receives training on the job.
Most employers train ushers through drills and rehearsals.
The training time is generally short.
Some employers use visual and audio aids to increase service efficiency.

- Theatres
- Cinemas
- Sport stadiums and arenas
- Carnivals and fairs
- Circuses
- Other places of public entertainment

Any of the above-mentioned potential employers