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Meat Examiner
Meat examiners inspect meat and carcasses destined for human and animal consumption. They work in abattoirs under the supervision of a meat inspector or veterinarian.

Meat examiners assist meat inspectors by performing the actual inspection procedures as prescribed by law and by monitoring the slaughtering process. They draw the attention of the inspector to any irregularities and need to ensure that the highest level of hygiene is maintained in the abattoir at all times.

Satisfying Aspects
- knowing your work is vital for the health of people that eat meat
- ensuring that animals do not suffer unnecessarily when slaughtered
- job security, with promotion prospects

Demanding aspects
- coping with the sights, sounds and smells in an abattoir
- watching people work with dangerous machinery and tools

A meat examiner should:
- be responsible;
- be precise and observant;
- be able to stand the sight of freshly slaughtered carcasses;
- be conscious of hygiene in the handling of meat.

School Subjects
Grade 10 Certificate.

Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: None

Prospective meat examiners receive in-service training (80 days) at any A-grade abattoir under the supervision of a health inspector and a veterinarian. After this, examinations can be written for the National Certificate for Meat Examiners.

- Abattoirs
- Municipalities
- Government departments

The Director: Meat Hygiene
Department of Agriculture
Private Bag X138
Pretoria, 0001

The Personnel Officer
Meat Board
P O Box 40051
Arcadia, 0007