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Childcare Worker
Childcare workers are employed by children's homes, places of safety and boarding schools as house parents or housemasters.

Childcare workers are responsible for the physical and mental well-being of the children including: supervising the hygiene and dressing of younger children; helping with homework; supervising meal times; ensuring that the children get medical attention; and administering medication when they are sick.

The most important job of a childcare worker is to take care of the children's emotional needs. Children in homes and places of safety need extra love and reassurance to help them recover from traumatic experiences. Children at special boarding schools also require a great deal of physical and/or emotional attention, depending on their particular problems.

Satisfying Aspects
- working with children
- knowing your work is making a difference in young people's lives
- free accommodation and board

Demanding aspects
- dealing with difficult and emotionally disturbed children
- frustration at not being able to get through to certain children

A child-care worker should:
- have patience;
- genuinely love children;
- have concern for the well-being of children;
- be compassionate;
- willing to take care of problems - emotional or physical - that these particular children are experiencing.

School Subjects
Grade 9 Certificate.
National Senior Certificate for diploma courses.

Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: Languages

Childcare workers are given in-service training to effectively perform their duties.

FET Colleges, such as SW Gauteng and False Bay, offer courses in Childcare.

- Children's homes
- Places of safety
- Boarding schools

Any of the above potential employers