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Family Planning Community Worker
Family planning community (FPC) workers lecture and provide information on family planning to people within their communities.

The Department of Health, municipalities and some private organizations employ people to train community workers how to effectively provide information on family planning.

Family planning community (FPC) workers are given a thorough grounding in the theory of family planning as well as practical training in conveying of the subject. FPC workers are managed by regional planners and organizers, who also help to develop training strategies and new schemes. These planners and organizers are usually qualified health or social workers.

Satisfying Aspects
- knowing that your work is helping to make a difference in the quality of people's lives
- the option of working part-time
- working with people

Demanding aspects
- working with disagreeable people
- helplessness when there seems to be no suitable solution to a person's problems
- frustration when people cannot seem to fully understand the importance of family planning

A family planning community worker should:
- be fluent in the language of the community being served;
- have a desire to help people to improve their living standards;
- have tact;
- be mature;
- respect different cultures;
- have good communication and persuasive skills;
- have good teaching and organizational skills.

School Subjects
Grade 10, although a National Senior Certificate is recommended.

Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: Life Sciences

Family planning community workers receive in-service training to effectively perform the duties required. The Department of Health, municipalities and some private organizations offer this type of training.

- Department of Health
- Municipalities
- Private organisations