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Baggage Handler
The main responsibility of baggage handlers is to transfer suitcases, packages, and baggage for travellers.

Baggage handlers in hotels may also be responsible for assisting guests with information regarding excursions, routes, and rates of local transport, shops and entertainment in the area. Additional duties could include: making travel arrangements for guests; providing a key service; and ensuring that hotel guests receive their mail.

Satisfying Aspects
- dealing with people
- some variety of work

Demanding aspects
- working odd hours and shifts
- dealing with difficult and demanding people

A baggage porter should:
- have a good memory;
- have a smart appearance and good manners;
- be alert and flexible;
- be familiar with the town and surrounding areas;
- have a knowledge of foreign-exchange transactions;
- know the laws in respect of the accommodation of tourists;
- be good at languages and being able to communicate with people.

School Subjects
No specific school requirements are necessary to
enter this career

Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: Languages

The baggage porter receives in-service training to perform his duties effectively.

- The hotel industry
- The travel industry e.g. at airports

Any of the above potential employers.