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Naturopaths, also known as natural medicine practitioners, treat illnesses and practise preventive medicine by using nutrition, herbalism, homoeopathy, iridology and other natural therapies, including remedial therapy to stimulate the body's own ability to repair and heal itself without the use of pharmaceutical drugs or surgery.

Naturopaths take down a patient's details, including their health and eating habits. Some naturopaths examine the patient's iris (coloured part of the eye) to analyse and treat illness in various organs of the body. They may prescribe diets, foods, minerals, vitamins and other treatments to help improve general health. They stimulate the healing powers of the patient's body by using small, strengthened doses of herbal, mineral or animal substances or massage, exercise and pressure touch to promote healing and well-being.

There is an increasing awareness of alternative forms of medicine. Naturopathy is not a registered health profession however, national professional bodies such as the Natural Therapists Association set standards for membership.

Satisfying Aspects
- helping clients overcome specific medical problems or disorders
- setting own hours of work
- working with people
- working without close supervision

Demanding aspects
- having to work irregular hours
- trying to please difficult clients
- the delicate work necessary for finding the correct natural solutions for symptoms, diseases and illnesses

- strong motivation to help people
- interest in preventive medicine
- mature and confident personality
- versatile and inquiring mind
- patient, tactful and empathetic
- good communication skills
- able to develop relationships of trust
- highly developed sense of responsibility
- physically fit

School Subjects
National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
National Senior Certificate meeting diploma requirements for a diploma course

Each institution will have its own minimum entry requirements.

Compulsory Subjects: Mathematics
Recommended Subjects: Life Sciences

Degree: Bachelor of Naturopathy - UWC
Homoeopathy - UJ, B. Tech and M. Tech

Diploma: N.Dip: Natural Medicine - DUT

To become a naturopath usually requires the completion of a diploma or a degree in naturopathy

- industries such as health food and manufacturing of natural products
- self-employment, in own practice or in partnership with other alternative health practitioners

SA Naturopathy Association
Postnet Suite 8
Private Bag X1
The Willows, 0041
Tel/Fax: (012) 809-1277